The Soul Nerve 🫚

Think back to a moment when you felt a signal from deep within warning you of something before your mind could grasp it. Ever wonder what's behind that "gut feeling"?

That's your Soul Nerve at work.

The vagus nerve, or as Resmaa Menakem 👆🏽, author and social worker, calls it, the “Soul Nerve,” is fundamental to our autonomic nervous system. It links our emotional and physical well-being to our social connections and feelings of safety in the world.

The vagus nerve carries messages between our brain and body, playing a crucial role in our fight-or-flight response and our ability to relax and connect with others. When we experience ongoing threats or trauma, this nerve can get stuck in a defensive mode, leaving us feeling constantly on edge, disconnected from our bodies, and mis-reading cues of safety from others.

Significant events like war, natural disasters, immigration, and racial microaggressions have shaped the lives and nervous systems of our families and ancestors. These events leave a legacy of "historical trauma" – lingering effects that might be passed down and stored in our Soul Nerves, manifesting as chronic stress, anxiety, or disease.

There are ways to activate the Soul Nerve through deep breathing, mindful movement, and nurturing social connections that can start to unwind the effects of historical trauma and cultivate a sense of safety and well-being within ourselves.

In today's Decolonization Dojo session, we'll explore the impact of the Soul Nerve on our journey as modern-day warriors.



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